Advanced Intimate Puja Circle: A Tantric Ritual

A Tantric Ritual to Open Your Heart To Yourself and Others

Date: Saturday, January 27, 2024

**  Note this event requires attendance at a minimum of 3 Intimate Puja Circles led by Robyn Vogel and/or prior approval.  If you register and have not met those requirements, we will reach out to you.  


Why?  Because the Advanced Intimate Puja Circle provides a deeper container for exploration.  The event is held for those with experience in sacred sexuality, conscious communication, sensual touch with permission, consent and a level of spiritual and emotional maturity.  


Please feel free to ask if you have questions!


When we practice presence during an Intimate Puja Circle, our energy is focused the infinite possibilities that exist. 

When we allow the chatter in our heads to quiet down, we don't miss what is before us.

Together we will play, open and explore using simple heart-opening exercises and movement which reconnect us to our deepest sense of love and joy.

A Puja, in Sanskrit, means reverence, honor, worship, and adoration. It's used by the Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and others -- as a ceremony to honor a very special occasion; it's also used more often as part of a sacred ritual - a practice to support opening to the wisdom of the Divine -- your Source.

You may experience any or some of these during our gathering:

• A shared sacred connection with yourself and others

• New tools and techniques for expansion, awakening, and living a joyful, peaceful, abundant life

• Authentic relating with one another; take risks, make choices, honor your boundaries

• Deep connections with those interested in sacred sexuality, energy, expanded orgasm, conscious relationship, spirituality

 You may have a LOT of fun!!!     


Location: Exhale Studio, 22 Mt Auburn St, Watertown, MA

Arrival is 6:45 pm to meet and greet the other participants before we begin at 7 pm.


Please dress comfortably!  

Questions?  Email [email protected] 



In order to attend this event, everyone must present the negative results of a Covid test taken within 24 hrs of the start time. We recommend that you take a rapid home test prior to leaving for the event and bring your negative test result (or a photo) to show the greeter.  


If you test positive or are not feeling well, PLEASE STAY HOME. Your ticket will be refunded in full if you must cancel due to illness or exposure. Masks will not be required but anyone's choice to wear one will be honored without question. There will be a very limited number of rapid tests available at the door for $20/test. 


What is Tantra?

Well, for starters, it's not what Sting made popular in the 80s. Tantra is thousands of years old (of Hindu and Buddhist tradition) and has become popularized in the west which unfortunately has led to some misunderstandings. Translated from Sanskrit, it means "weaving," which we have come to understand as oneness. Bringing oneness to yourself and conscious awareness to everything in your life. Exercises involving breath, sound and movement are a part of Tantra and are designed to bring you into a state of being more present. And who doesn't want to be more present in all of their life?

What is a Puja?

A Puja is an intentional ceremony. Translated from Sanskrit it means reverence, an offering. It is a ritual designed to open our hearts and allow us to see the inner divinity within ourselves and all beings. It invites us into the elegant dance of masculine and feminine in a warm safe space of oneness and connection.

What does it look like?

Participants form two circles facing each other. The men form the outside circle and the women form the inside, with each woman facing a man. Each pair then share a meaningful exchange through a directed exercise (a Puja "station"), which can be for a few seconds or a few minutes. Then they put their hands together in 'Namaste', thank each other and rotate to the next person. The ritual, which happens in the second half of the event, ends when everyone has rotated a full circle.

What kinds of exercises are there?

The exercises are heart-opening and based in human connection: verbal exercises, meditation, centering, dance, breathing, eye-gazing, conscious touch (holding hands, hands on heart)... things that go a bit beyond the every day unconscious move-thru-the motions.

And you are always invited to participate however you choose.

What's unique is that each exercise has Tantra, conscious communication and personal growth at its core. So you’re building tools and practicing them right there!

What if I don't want to do an exercise?

So glad you asked! While the exercises are gentle and inviting, you are always 100% at choice for how you wish to participate. If you find an exercise that doesn't work for you, then you have the option to modify, or completely opt out. Everyone is encouraged to participate at their own comfort level, and our facilitators demonstrate what that looks like, so everyone is clear before we begin.

What is the schedule for each event?

Doors open at 6:30 pm. That's when we check you in and give you a nametag. You'll have time to mingle in the hallway until workshop begins.

At 7 pm we enter the sacred space and begin the workshop. There will be movement and ice breaker type exercises in the beginning of the night.

20 minutes in we will be making agreements and creating a safe space, anyone that hasn't checked in before this time will not be able to participate. No refunds for late comers.

What should I wear?

You'll want to wear something you feel good in, you will also want to be comfortable enough to stand, move, and sit cross-legged. You want to be comfortable to move as we sometimes dance, we move around quite a bit too. Don't worry about shoes, we'll take those off before we start.

*Please no strong scents as some are sensitive to that.

Is there food or drink at the event?

We have a 10-min break in the middle of the event where we share snacks - usually chocolate and fruit. It's a good idea to bring a bottle of water. There is no alcohol (so please do not arrive having had even a glass of wine or one beer) as you want to be conscious for the evening.

What is the gender balance at the event?

We don't believe in leaving anyone out of the fun, so we do our best to aim for an equal gender balance. Of course, it isn't always 100% in our control. So far, just about every event has been sold out and most have an equal or close-to-equal balance of genders.

What is the age range?

Our open age events are the most popular and most people are between 40 - 65+. We get a very wide range and honestly, it feels ageless! We all connect with one another and share our life experiences. There’s a respectful, honoring and curious vibe. People are genuinely interested in getting to know others in the room. Suddenly “age” seems to be a non-issue because the energy of the being in front of you is most obvious.

I saw the event posted without a lot of RSVPs. Will there be enough people?

Not to worry! Just about every event so far has sold out, often with a waiting list. We do a great job getting the word out and therefore the event is posted in multiple places. And some forums simply get more traffic than others, so don't worry if you see less people RSVP in one place than another. We wouldn't proceed with an event if there weren't enough people to make it worthwhile for everyone.

Do I have to be single to attend?

Not at all. Everyone is welcome and the Intimate Puja Circles are often a mix of singles, monogamous couples, polyamorous/ENM couples and everyone in between!

Is this a heterosexual event and is there a Queer/LGBTQ Intimate Puja Circle?

This current iteration of Intimate Puja Circles lean towards heterosexuality. However, the Circles are sometimes men-women and sometimes not. Sometimes the Circles are mixed gender and everyone is welcome.

What is your cancellation/refund policy?

We want you to have a great time at our event. However, life happens, and sometimes you can't make it. If you cancel 24 hours or more before the event you can get your full amount transferred to another Intimate Puja. If you cancel within 7 days of event, we can refund you. Either way, make sure to notify us via email before the event starts, as we cannot offer any refunds or transfers after the event has started.

Can I give/re-sell my ticket to someone else?

Tickets are non-transferable. Please do not sell your ticket to someone else; it confuses the system and gender balance. You can request a refund or be moved to the next event depending on your situation. However, in any case, you must let us know so we can open up your spot to someone else. No notice, no refund/transfer.

Can I sign up my friend?

Not for the Advanced IPC. Each participant needs to register themselves. 

What is Come Back To Love®?

Come Back To Love® is on a mission is create community whereby singles and couples can participate in intimacy in a safe and sacred way. We teach skills and empower people to connect more consciously using the tools and teachings of Come Back To Love® which includes Tantra. We hold multiple classes, workshops and retreats throughout the year, and work with singles and couples to help them increase their capacity for intimacy, connection and love.

I had an amazing time, how do I learn more?

Most people do! Best place to learn about the Come Back To Love® community is to join us in our private group:

Subscribe on our website to be kept up to date with our latest offerings!

What other events do you offer?

Aside from Intimate Puja Circles, we offer workshops, classes and retreats to help increase intimacy and connection for both singles and couples. You can learn about our other offerings on our website:

More Questions?

Contact us, we'll be happy to tell you more about this event or others.

What People Are Saying:

Thank you so much for including me in the Puja circle on Friday. I was amazed at the connection(s) people felt from the beginning of the evening to the end. It was really remarkable and people obviously love you and your energy to make it a fun, explorative and safe place to experience a Puja Circle.

Nancy Michaels, Motivational Speaker - Healthcare Speaker - Business Consultant

$98.00 USD

Do you lose yourself in relationship with other people? Find yourself saying 'yes' to friends or partner(s) when you mean 'no?' This class, pre-recorded, can change all of that!  

Clear boundaries, knowing what is yours to honor and what isn't is tantamount to a good relationship and a healthy life.  

XO Robyn