Sometimes change requires exploration of one single subject on a deeper level. 
This specialty class is a healing journey focused on the multiplicity of variables that impact your libido.

Did you get stuck in a belief about your body, menopause, past wounds, your turn on?

Reboot Your Libido is an 8-week in depth study, practice and growth opportunity to heal the places you're refusing to receive the fullness of your libido and orgasm. 

Learn what impacts your turn on, arousal and orgasm and turn your sex life around!  Partnered, or not, you will benefit from the gifts of this program.


"Robyn has once again created a  life-changing program to reboot your libido. The weekly materials created such intimacy for me and my partner to support one another. Robyn and the other top-notch speakers covered comprehensive topics to support deep shifts. My whole body and my relationship with myself and my partner have come alive again.  Thanks Robyn!!!"   

- Brenda K, Western MA

"I want to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate your wisdom and your teachings." 

- A happy graduate of RYL



"Thank you for your beautiful, heartfelt and personally revealing program.  You have certainly faced more life challenges than most people, and have come through as a strong and amazing person.  What positive energy and thought you put into practice!

- DC


√ 8 folders filled with MP3 and videos for 8 weeks of classes
√ Handouts
√ PDF Downloads

None but recommended to pursue a consultation with Robyn Vogel as part of your journey.
Book HERE your consultation.


Robyn Vogel

Robyn is an international workshop facilitator who offers classes, retreats, evening and daylong workshops on intimacy, tantra, self love, money, relationship and more.