Access Bars®

 Welcome to a sense of peace and possibility for you, and your body.

  • What is it you’ve been looking for, but have never been able to find?
  • There’s a peace and relaxation possible for everyone in the world with a simple process called The Bars®
  • The beauty is finding this space with so much ease when you have your Bars run.
  • Duration: 60-75 minutes 

I'm an International Love and Intimacy Coach with years of working as a psychotherapist. I am also a transformational workshop leader. Twenty years ago I founded Come Back To Love®.

I shepherd all I meet and work with to return to a loving connection with themselves.

For 20 years I've been expertly facilitating individuals and groups towards healing their hearts while coming back to love. I invite you to step onto this courageous path.


$250.00 USD